Treasure Page 5
He almost wished he could see their faces when they woke up and realized the stone was gone and they had no idea where to find him. The pace of his heart increased with anxiety and excitement, with the thrill of defiance, of escaping, of doing something that would really make a difference, instead of being reduced to menial tasks that any idiot could manage.
If they had not raised him as a sacrifice, he always wondered, would they have treated him differently? He liked to think they might have actually cared, but he doubted it.
Sighing, Kyo stood up and headed back out to the water, diving into the surf and swimming steadily for deeper waters.
By the time he climbed out of the shark pool, he was exhausted—and surprised to see that it was not Taka waiting for him. "Your grace," he greeted, wringing out his hair as best he could before accepting the dressing robe that Krasny held out to him.
"Your secretary and I crossed paths in the hall, and we stopped to speak. He was called away, and I offered to bring your robe to you," Krasny explained.
"I thank you," Kyo replied. "I thought you would have retired by now, your grace." He pulled on the robe and belted it, then led the way out of the shark pool.
Krasny shrugged. "I was on my way to speak with Prince Culebra to finalize our arrangements for our departure at the end of the week. He is quite eager to be home, and I am looking forward to seeing Piedre again. Kundou and Piedre have always been my favorite places to visit."
Mouth quirking in amusement, Kyo said, "Not Verde, your grace? The beasts will be quite put out you chose us over them."
"Verde is too busy admiring itself to care if others admire," Krasny retorted, returning Kyo's smile with the barest whisper of one. Coming from Krasny, it was practically a grin.
Kyo laughed as they came to a stop in the intersection of four hallways. "I hope you have enjoyed your time in Kundou, despite the difficult negotiations and the increased danger of getting here."
"Of course, Highness," Krasny replied, and Kyo believed him. Krasny's most redeeming features were his peculiar honesty and his cold indifference to everything—even seeing Kyo naked had not stirred anything, and it was a nice change from feeling as though people made a habit of mentally undressing him. Kyo bowed and then held out his hands, amused when Krasny, after bowing low, took them both and briefly kissed his knuckles. Always with the touching and kissing, Pozharans. "If I do not see you again, Highness, Fires keep your hearth warm and your path lit."
"May the winds always blow in your favor, and the seas carry you safely," Kyo replied softly, and they bowed once more before going their separate ways.
He walked quickly through the halls, pausing only to bid a servant fetch his clothes from the shark pool. Back in his room, he sat at his dressing table and began the laborious process of removing the countless jeweled beads from his hair, carefully putting them away in the various and sundry boxes that held them.
When that was finally done, he stripped off his robe and climbed into the bath Taka had ordered drawn for him after dinner, and which had been waiting for him to return. He grimaced as he began to wash the sand from his hair, slowly and carefully soaping, rinsing, and combing it out. The process would have been easier with a servant, but Kyo hated for anyone but Taka to be in his room, and only if one of them was around was anyone allowed in his room at all.
Kyo had no intention of making it easy for his father's servants to snoop.
Two hours later, he climbed from the bath and pulled his robe on once more, then strode to his dressing table to dry out and braid his hair. When at last he was done tending his hair, he walked to his desk and settled behind it, picking up the papers Taka had left out for him to sign. He frowned and set them down again, looking around the desk, rifling through a drawer. Where had he put them? Annoyed, he stood up and went over to Taka's desk and stole the reading glasses set neatly to one side of Taka's blotter. Sliding them on, he returned to his desk and resumed looking over the papers.
He signed warrants, search orders, and a handful of licenses requiring royal permission, then set them aside for Taka to take away again. Sitting back, he stared out the balcony off to his right at the dark sea glistening with moonlight.
Soon, very soon, he would finally be sailing that sea. For three whole months, he would have freedom of a sort. Three months to do and be what he pleased before he had to serve in a royal capacity one last time.
He fervently hoped he was doing the right thing.
Kyo sighed softly and stood up, then headed across the room to his bed chamber. There, he reached into the back of his wardrobe for the book he stashed there. It was old, barely held together, and the words were so faded they were illegible in parts. But what remained was sufficient enough to tell him that the Book of Storms his father had given him had very little in common with the barely-legible version that was a great deal older. Kyo had no idea how old. The book looked almost more like a private journal than a formal book, as it was old enough to have been handwritten, and he recognized none of the other marks upon it.
He did not even know where the book came from. He had simply found it on his bed shortly after his father had told him that he was to die, had been born for the sole purpose of preserving his family's hold on the dragon magic.
Everyone knew the Legend of the Lost Gods: they had one day gone mad with rage and nearly destroyed the world they had created. Then they had fallen, either by the hand of their children or, in the case of the Basilisk, by his own hand. The only country about no one knew anything about was Lost Schatten; no one went in, no one came out, and those who tried were either killed by the turbulent sees or slain by the terrible beasts that lurked in the Jagged Mountains.
In Kundou, everyone knew that the Dragons of the Three Storms had been the first of the gods to go mad, betrayed by their twin priests. What, exactly, the priests had done was lost to time but the Dragons' rampage had changed Kundou forever. The little island that had rested in the middle of the three larger ones had vanished. Some said it sank, some said it somehow managed to float out to sea, some said it had simply ceased to be when the gods died.
To his everlasting regret, Kyo knew the truth: after defeating the dragons and stealing the Eye of the Storm, Taiseiyou I moved the island himself to a remote location that was known only by the royal family.
Every one hundred years, one who possessed the dragon magic had to die to preserve the spell that kept the dragons sealed away and fed their power to the royal family by way of the Eye of the Storm and the sacrifice. Because nine hundred years ago, according to the book that had been left on his bed, Taiseiyou I had sacrificed a member of his own family to bind the magic to himself.
Why, the book did not say. Who had died was not given either, but Kyo had his suspicions there. He went to the chaise set by the balcony in his room and opened the doors to let in the cool night air, pulling up a blanket before he settled in to reread the books he practically knew by heart.
Always he searched for something he had missed—some clue he had overlooked that was the key to accomplishing his goal without having to give his life. But he never found it, and he knew he never would no matter what he hoped. What had been stolen by blood must be returned by blood. Otherwise the mermaids would continue to increase in numbers and hate, Vessels would continue to die in Pozhar until eventually, there would be no saving the world, and no world left to save.
The dragons had begun the carnage, and that meant Kundou must be the first to repair it. He paged through the old volume gingerly until he reached the last chapter, where practically the only words still legible were a small part of a prophesy that was either foretold by the unknown author or simply recorded by him:
To defeat … and restore … will take a Child of Chaos.
He just wished—
The sound of the main door opening and closing drew Kyo's attention, and he hastily hid his book beneath his blankets then stretched out indolently, gazing out over the black sky and sea, the fat moon hang
ing heavy and shining over the water.
Taka walked in a moment later and immediately scowled, planting his hands on his hips. "I see you at last deigned to sign the paperwork I put in front of you this morning. Your father is irate you slipped away so quickly after supper. Apparently he wanted to have a word with you."
Kyo sighed. "I do not suppose he has ceased wanting to have a word with me?" When Taka shook his head, he stood up and discarded his robe, then moved to his wardrobe to dress. He stifled another sigh and pulled out a black robe embroidered with white and silver stars as well as the pale gold under robe that went with it. Taka helped him put it all on, folding down the collar, and tying off the thin strips of raw silk that would hold it in place while Taka pulled out the gold sash that went with it. "Go to bed, Taka; there's no reason for you to wait up for me. I do not suppose that we have received any updates?"
"No," Taka said, "but the weather has been fair for days. Hopefully that holds true further out to sea. You know I will tell you the moment we hear anything. I'll wait until you come back from your meeting."
"Go to bed."
"I was planning to stay up and catch up on a few things, anyway," Taka replied.
Kyo rolled his eyes. "I do not suppose you have an inkling as to what he wants to discuss?"
Taka shrugged. "Maybe, I'm not really sure. He was speaking at length with Captain Midori when he looked for you, however, and they were still together when they waylaid me later and his Majesty demanded to know where you were. I told him you were conversing with Lord Krasny and went to bid your farewells to Prince Culebra."
"Thank you," Kyo said, wincing at what would happen should his father ever find out about his naked ventures into the shark pool and out to the ocean proper. "Go to bed," he repeated and left before Taka could voice the scathing retort on his lips.
He walked quickly to his father's private chambers, a heavy knot in his stomach because there was only one reason his father would want to speak to him that involved Captain Midori. He stopped in front of the guards before the doors to his father's room. "Please inform my father I have come to speak with him as requested."
"Highness, he bid you go right in," the left guard replied, bowing low before opening the door.
Kyo braced himself and went through, seeing his father immediately where he stood before a fireplace, sharing wine with Captain Midori. It was actually Lord Midori, but he had favored joining the royal navy, and being captain of the royal fleet superseded his earldom. "Father, Captain, I apologize for keeping you waiting. I wanted to be certain I bid farewell to Prince Culebra and Lord Krasny before they departed."
"Forget it," His father said, waving the words aside impatiently. "Captain Midori has agreed to personally escort you on your secret mission. He is handpicking the crew, and you will be sailing on our finest ship. All will be ready for departure in seven days. You will be ready."
Kyo bowed low. "As you wish, father. Captain, I appreciate your assistance in this matter."
Midori smiled at him, friendly and charming. In another life, with other choices, he would have been a suitable man to marry, and Kyo might even have tolerated it, if not loved it. He wondered what Midori would say if he knew the nature of the secret mission.
Probably ensure Kyo go through with it, and Kyo wondered idly if his father had already arranged for that, if he would do it last minute so it was too late for Midori to back out, or if he was trusting someone else to the duty. "Speaking of people to accompany me, father, I wanted to confirm with you that Taka be permitted to come along."
"Absolutely not," his father replied. "He's an unnecessary liability. You will have no use for a secretary at sea, or in the course of your mission. Taka's skills are better put to use here. Your brother expressed an interest in him."
Yes, he was quite certain Taiheiyou had. Kyo would have to tell Taka just to see him get angry. "As you wish, Sire. How else can I be of service to you?"
His father eyed him, clearly aware of the underlying sarcasm that Midori was just as clearly missing. "Be ready in seven days, Nankyokukai. You are both dismissed."
"Yes, Majesty," Midori murmured, sweeping a deep bow to Kyo's father, then a less deep one to Kyo before following him out. In the hallway, he brushed back his dark green hair and said, "Would you permit me the honor of escorting you to your room, Highness?"
"The honor would be mine, Captain," Kyo said politely, and Midori walked beside him as they made their way through the halls, across the palace to Kyo's rooms at the furthest end. "I do appreciate you would take the time to escort me personally, Captain. You are busy, I know, and the job could easily have been delegated."
Midori smiled at him. "I am never too busy to serve you, Highness, or to answer to my King's will. It is an honor, truly. That aside, I am looking forward to being at sea again. Ironically, my position keeps me land-locked, which I cannot abide."
"I am looking forward to the sea," Kyo admitted. "We are a sea-faring nation and yet, as you say, duty keeps me bound to land."
He could see the curiosity burning, but Midori was too well trained to beg for answers to questions he should not be asking. "Your mission will keep you preoccupied I am certain, Highness, but I will see to it you enjoy the journey as much as possible. We will have to stop in a couple of ports for supplies, and perhaps there will be time to show you other places?"
"That sounds lovely," Kyo admitted. "As advanced and noble as you are, Captain, I am astonished there is no spouse keeping you firmly at home."
Midori laughed, amused and tired sounding all at once. "Sailors do not attract many spouses, Highness, least of all a high-ranking one, for my first love is the sea, my second is the family I serve, and no one wants to be, or ever should be, third."
Kyo flicked his fingers in dismissal. "I think you do not give yourself enough credit, Captain. Thank you for escorting me to my room."
Bowing low, Midori murmured in reply, "Thank you for permitting me, Highness. Dragons guard your sleep as they guard the Islands."
"The very same to you, Captain," Kyo replied and slipped into his rooms, closing the door behind him. He leaned against it and sighed, wishing briefly his life were that simple: a lesser prince tending to the duties his brother did not have the time to address, married to the captain of the royal fleet, and every reason in the world to be happy with that lot.
But no, his life was not so simple. He was being sent to die so his family retained their magic, was instead going to die to take away that magic, and he would accomplish it by using Kinni to take him there.
He bit back an urge to laugh, afraid it would not come out as laughter at all.
Chapter Four: Blasphemy
"Master Raiden, the ship is here!"
Raiden looked up, amused as ever that, even though he had twenty-three ships to his name, only one was ever referred to as the ship, and that ship had only been in service a few years. He set aside the drafted contract that had arrived just that morning, along with a missive of urgency from Prince Nankyokukai, and went to greet Kin.
He strode out of his office and through the warehouse, wincing at the racket that his office mostly muffled. Men called out to him in greeting, and Raiden waved back, but did not slow his steps. Outside, he quickly made his way to where the Kumiko was docked. "Hail, Captain!" he called up cheerfully, grinning when Kin only shot him a scathing look in reply.
One of the sailors, already disembarked and helping to load crates on wagons and carts as they were hauled off ship, snorted in amusement and said, "Had several run-ins with the mermaids, Master Raiden, and a brief squall put us several hours behind schedule at the last moment. Otherwise we would have arrived half a day early."
Raiden laughed. "That would explain his sour mood, cert—" He broke off when he saw a tall man disembark, immediately recognizing his white hair and pale green eyes and feeling the power that emanated from him. Why was the White Panther in Kundou? He swept an elegant bow as Lord Ailill le Blanc drew close. "Your grace
, welcome to Kundou."
"Thank you," Ailill replied. "Am I safe in assuming that you are the Master Raiden about whom I have heard so much?"
"Guilty as charged, your grace. Might I be so bold as to inquire as to your purpose in visiting our humble islands? Is there any way I might serve?"
Laughing, Ailill replied, "I am looking for something, actually: a piece of jewelry."
"My specialty," Raiden replied. "I am certain that if Kin discussed me, he complained about how much money I waste buying up baubles. What piece of jewelry?"
"It's a tiara, made of rubi and esmeralda. Nine hundred years old, it's called—"
"The Roses of the Faerie Queen," Raiden cut in softly. "Set in white gold, lost a long time ago, but it was found about two centuries ago and sold to the White Bat of the time. Civil unrest caused it to be lost again, though rumors surfaced about fifty years ago that it had been found again. However did you trace it to Kundou? I have heard no rumors that it is here."
Ailill's mouth tightened. "You won't. Anyone who spilled the rumor is dead. Someone of Piedre origins has it, and I believe he has made his way here to hide."
"Then he will likely be in the Sand district, your grace. That is where the foreign citizens tend to gather when they do not want to draw attention. Here, I will have someone escort you. Yuki!" he called the young man over and gave him orders.
"Thank you for the assistance, Master Raiden. Your knowledge is most impressive."
"I love jewels," Raiden replied with a casual shrug. "Good luck in your hunt. The Roses belong in Verde, and I fervently hope they return there with you."
Ailill smiled at him. "Bid your Captain farewell for me; he's a good man."
Raiden nodded, then glanced up at Kin, amused that he had dallied with Ailill when he was usually so staunchly against mixing business and pleasure. "I will, your grace. Farewell."
He watched as Ailill walked away, led by Yuki, until they vanished from sight. The sound of footsteps approaching finally drew his attention, and Raiden turned, smirking. "Kin, how unlike you to fuck a duke—and a White Beast at that! I see you are finally learning to be—"